Hanapan ang Blog na Ito

Martes, Marso 20, 2012

'“Sagip Tulong kaIbigan”

      Being a STIer’s we should know how to help other people. It is           challenges to do are best, set a good example to other student; we shall have a respect, love and always believe that we can do it. A “SAGIP TULONG KAIBIGAN” a project that STI made to help the people who are helpless. Even in a simple way of helping others it makes feel better. It improves the life of another, at least at little. And I believe if that kindness is passed on, it can multiply and multiply until other learn that good attitude. A kindness should every STIer’s have. So student of STI take just a few minutes today, and do a kindness for another person. It can be something small or the start of something big.As students, knowing and accepting these changes wholehearted unlocks the fullness of life.

BY:Arian A. Crisosto

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